
Pave Your Way To Precise Conversions

May 16, 2024

About Webinar

Ready to optimize conversions with pinpoint accuracy? This webinar will teach you how to set up airtight postback rules to automatically filter valid conversions. You'll also learn to leverage reversal postbacks for swiftly handling cancellations and returns. And lastly, we will show you how to adjust conversion values for bullet-proof tracking.

Precise Postback Control

Set up rules for automatically approving or rejecting conversions based on received variables, ensuring only qualified traffic is processed.

Streamlined Reversal Postbacks

Leverage reversal postbacks to automatically reverse transactions due to cancellations, returns, etc., protecting your bottom line.

Optimized Conversion Changes

Gain insights into adjusting existing revenue, payout, and sale amounts, both in bulk via CSV and from within the UI, ensuring accurate reporting.

Isaac is a veteran in affiliate marketing with a background in finance and entrepreneurship based out of San Francisco, CA. As a customer success manager, he consults with our clients on how to grow their affiliate programs, implement new features, and surmount technical obstacles. You can catch Isaac regularly leading our webinars, offering advice on how to best drive success with Everflow.

Isaac Maier

Customer Success Manager



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